Feeding->washing->sieving->primary gravity separation -> 2nd stage gravity concentration->magnetic separation for upgrading
Chrome ore Feeding: can be vibration feeding machine, feeding hopper, belt feeder, wheel loader or excavator feed directly. Usually will make grizzly bar on vibration feeder or hopper to remove big waste stones firstly. Depends on process capacity to choose suitable chrome ore mining equipment.
Chrome ore Washing: the chrome ore washing machine is for washing clean the clay and mud in raw material, most popular used are chrome ore washing trommel scrubber and chrome ore washing trommel screen. Chrome ore trommel scrubber washer is for washing chrome ore raw material that with many sticky clay, chromite ore washing trommel screen is for wash chromite ore raw material that without much sticky clay. Depends on raw material conditions to choose suitable chrome ore washing equipment.
Chrome ore Sieving: after washing, then sieve out some bigger waste stones ,the under screen slurry will go to next separation machine. This sieving process can use trommel screen or vibration screen or chrome ore high frequency vibration screen which is wided used chrome ore mining equipment Chrome ore Primary Gravity Separation: it is for primary chrome ore concentration process, jig separator or spiral chute separator are best choice of chrome ore gravity mining equipment.The concentrate ore discharged from them will send to 2nd stage concentration machine.
2nd Stage Concentration process: the concentrate ore from chrome ore jig machine or spiral chute spearator will go to chrome ore shaking table concentration machine for final concentration, can get high grade chrome ore concentrate. Shaking table is a good concentration effect mining equipment for chrome ore processing plant.
Chromite ore Upgrading: if need much higher chrome ore grade, can use high intensity magnetic separator to upgrade it. The chrome ore mangetic separator is also important chrome ore mining equipment for final upgrading.
Rock type Chrome ore processing plant, the flowchart can be as below
Feeding-> crushing->grinding->primary separation -> final concentration-> upgrading
The feeding way, primary separation, final concentration and chrome ore refining process are almost the same as above alluvial/sand chromite ore processing plant.

Below are the crushing and grinding stage description for rock chrome ore processing plant:
Crushing: for crushing the big rock chrome ore stone to smaller size before grinding.
crushers can be rough rock chrome ore jaw crusher, rock chrome ore fine jaw crusher, rock chrome cone crusher, rock chrome hammer crusher, roller crusher rock, depends on the rockchrome ore feeding size and process capacity to use which kind crusher.
Grinding: after crush the stone to smaller size, need to grind to power by chrome ore ball mill grinding machine or wet pan mill or other rock grinding machine, so the chrome concentrate can released out from stone. Then go to chrome ore separation machine and concentration machine.( chrome ore shaking table, chrome ore spiral chute, chrome ore jig separator,ect)

Main Products
The production of rock type chrome ore mining process line covers feeder, jaw crusher, vibrating screen, cone crusher, ball mill, jigging machine, shaking table, drying system, magnetic separator, conveyor and so on. 2-300 tons per hour processing capacity is available in Jiangxi Well-tech.